header image with person and cell structuresheader image with person and cell structuresheader image with person and cell structuresheader image with person and cell structures

Gewebe-Mikroarray (TMA)


Bei diesen TMA werden auf einem einzigen Objektträger normale Gewebeproben aus einer Vielzahl von menschlichen Organen oder aus entsprechenden Organen anderer Spezies zur Verfügung gestellt.

Normal tissue TMA
401 1110Normal adult tissue I31 x 2.0 mmdownload
401 1120Normal adult tissue II70 x 2.0 mmdownload
401 1130FDA-recommended normal tissue panel (44 tissue types, 3 donors each)132 x 1.5 mmdownload
401 1210Normal adult brain tissue09 x 1.5 mmdownload
401 1211Normal adult and fetal bone tissue20 x 2.0 mmdownload
401 1221Normal adult cartilage tissue I20 x 2.0 mmdownload
401 1222Normal embryonic and fetal cartilage tissue II20 x 2.0 mmdownload
401 1223Normal adult and neonatal cartilage tissue40 x 2.0 mmdownload
401 1310Normal tissue, multi-species48 x 1.5 mmdownload
401 1401Stem cell rich tissue18 x 2.0 mmdownload

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